Self-Employed Visa


Self-Employed Visa Business Plan

The Self-employed Persons Program allows people to immigrate to Canada permanently as self-employed persons.

If you’re interested in this program, you must:

  • have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics and
  • be willing and able to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada
  • Demonstrate financial viability from the venture in Canada,
  • Have two years of experience in relevant fields, within the past 5 years,
  • Articulate how they will contribute to the economic and cultural prosperity of Canada,
  • Meet the financial requirements personally.

having relevant experience for the programme, which is defined as having participated in world-class athletics or cultural activities or having run one's own business in those fields. In the end, the Self-Employed program permits applicants to immigrate to Canada permanently while working for themselves.

What’s Included in our Self-Employed Visa Business Plans?
  • Executive Summary
  • Marketing Plan
  • Professional Background
  • Keys to Success
  • 5 Year Objectives
  • Industry and Market Overview
  • Company Overview
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Personnel Plan
  • Strategy & Implementation
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Financial Forecast (5 years)

Executive Summary:

This section provides a brief overview of the key elements of the business plan, including the company's background, mission, product or service offering, target market, and goals. The executive summary should provide a clear and concise picture of the business and its objectives.

Marketing Plan:

This section outlines the company's marketing strategy and tactics, including its advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and online marketing efforts. The marketing plan should take into account the company's goals, resources, and market conditions.

Professional Background:

This section provides an overview of the business owner's professional background, including their education, experience, and expertise. This section should highlight the owner's skills and qualifications that make them well-suited to run the business.

Keys to Success:

This section outlines the critical factors that will contribute to the success of the business, including the company's unique selling proposition (USP), competitive advantage, and target market.

5 Year Objectives:

This section outlines the business's goals and objectives for the next 5 years, including revenue targets, market share, and other key performance indicators. Industry and Market Overview: This section provides a comprehensive understanding of the market in which the business will operate, including the size and growth of the market, key players, trends, and opportunities and challenges faced by the industry.

Company Overview:

This section provides a more detailed overview of the company, including its history, ownership structure, management team, and key partners. The company overview should provide a clear picture of the company's background, strengths, and areas of expertise.

SWOT Analysis:

This section provides a comprehensive analysis of the company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT), which will help the company identify its key strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

Market Research:

This section provides a deeper understanding of the market, including information on customer needs and behaviors, competitor analysis, and market trends.

Personnel Plan:

This section outlines the company's human resources plan, including information on the management team, key employees, and staffing requirements. It should provide a clear picture of the company's talent management strategy and the skills and expertise needed to succeed in the market.

Strategy & Implementation:

This section outlines the company's strategy for achieving its goals, including its target market, unique selling proposition (USP), and go-to-market plan. It should also include a detailed implementation plan, outlining the steps the company will take to achieve its goals.

Competitive Analysis:

This section provides an analysis of the company's competitors, including their strengths and weaknesses, market share, and target market. The competitive analysis will help the company identify opportunities for differentiation and develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage.

The federal Start-Up Visa (SUV) program in Canada aims at immigrant entrepreneurs with aimed at immigrant entrepreneurs having the skills and knowledge to launch businesses there. The SUV program is a fantastic opportunity for foreign businesspeople and innovators. The SUV program seeks businesses and individuals with the required expertise order to promote economic growth and development throughout Canada.
The SUV program requires a letter of support from designated organizations, which include incubators, angel investors, or venture capitalist groups who may be of interest in supporting the business idea.
Yes! The SUV program requires a letter of support from designated organizations, which include incubators, angel investors, or venture capitalist groups who may be of interest in supporting the business idea.